New Science Park Development

Following the successful conclusion of a contract for our clients we were awarded their next project to construct a new Science Park consisting of five separate light industrial buildings on adjoining land which were separated into ten rental units to be marketed by our client as high quality facilities completed using finishes which were easy to maintain to a high level of hygiene, uniformed throughout the development to ensure all tenant businesses can be maintained to a similar standard as their own nearby premises.

An integral part of the site’s construction was to minimise its impact on local residents so the site was excavated to reduce the levels prior to construction to enable the buildings to be set low within the surrounding roofscape.  The new development was concluded to the necessary standards of our client and has become a popular site within the local area for businesses.


New Science Park Development

Following the successful conclusion of a contract for our clients we were awarded their next project to construct a new Science Park consisting of five separate light industrial buildings on adjoining land which were separated into ten rental units to be marketed by our client as high quality facilities completed using finishes which were easy to maintain to a high level of hygiene, uniformed throughout the development to ensure all tenant businesses can be maintained to a similar standard as their own nearby premises.

An integral part of the site’s construction was to minimise its impact on local residents so the site was excavated to reduce the levels prior to construction to enable the buildings to be set low within the surrounding roofscape.  The new development was concluded to the necessary standards of our client and has become a popular site within the local area for businesses.